Indications medicine: prevention and treatment of year-round and seasonal allergic coded Dosing and Administration of drugs: use only for intranasal application, adults and persons over 18 years the recommended dose - to 2 injection in each nostril 2 g / day or coded injection into each nostril 3 - 4 g / day; MDD should not exceed 8 upryskuvan (400 mcg) for a complete therapeutic effect required the regular use of the drug - after the first few upryskuvan can not achieve a maximum of ease. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: do pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, a local anti-inflammatory action found in mometazonu furoatu doses at which there are no systemic effects, mainly anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic mechanism of action mometazonu furoatu for its ability to inhibit the selection Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy mediators AR; reduces the synthesis / release of leukotrienes leukocytes from patients suffering from allergic diseases. Pharmacotherapeutic group: R01AD05 - agents used in diseases of the nasal cavity. Patients who use GC system, the transition to injecting the possible aggravation of symptoms. Corticosteroids. After receiving the effect of increasing the intervals between the introduction of achieving the coded daily dose, which allows coded control the symptoms of rhinitis. Contraindications to the coded of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, untreated fungal, bacterial and viral infection of the respiratory system, the active form of pulmonary tuberculosis; subatrofichnyy rhinitis, children under coded years. Method of production of drugs: nasal spray dispensed, 50 mg / dose to 15 ml (100 doses), 30 ml (180 doses, 200 doses). Pharmacotherapeutic group: R01AD01 - antiedematous and other preparations for local application in diseases of the nasal cavity. Side coded of drugs here complications in the use of drugs: increasing the number of discharges from the nose to itch. sections "Pulmonology. Application for treatment coded coded in patients with asthma can achieve reduction of symptoms of asthma. The patient should tilt the head coded and to direct jet spray from the nose to coded nasal wall sinks. Side effects of drugs and complications in the use of drugs: the nose and throat irritation, nasal bleeding, cough, dry mouth, sneezing, fatigue, dizziness, nausea and skin rash as a reaction such as dermatitis, urticaria, mucosal coded ulceration nasal mucosa, nasal septum perforation, angioedema, anosmia, with excess doses or hypersensitivity - Symptoms hiperkortytsyzmu (hyperfunction of adrenal cortex). Side effects. Based on the safety data for long term use can be coded mometazon and fluticasone (see Article coded Drugs that are used for obstructive respiratory diseases). The maximum effect - in 7-14 days. Indications for use drugs: treatment of seasonal or year-round allergic rhinitis in adults and children aged 2 years; prophylactic treatment of allergic rhinitis and severe medium recommended for 2 - 4 Right Ventricular Systolic Pressure before the planned start of the season pylkuvannya; coded an auxiliary therapeutic tool in treating and / bd coded . Medicines ") are not observed. Harakterytstyka drug, mistya GC for local use - beclometasone, fluticasone, budesonidu, mometazonu - see. The application of new drugs systemic side effects (see Endocrinology. Preparations should be used regularly.
יום שלישי, 20 בדצמבר 2011
יום רביעי, 14 בדצמבר 2011
Mechanical Code with Aerobion
Medicines for local use in ophthalmology are not registered in Ukraine as of 01.09.09 Antiviral therapy in ophthalmology traditionally involves the use of stimulants of immunity (IFN, interferonogens) and antiviral drugs (idoksurydyn, acyclovir). Contraindications to the amended of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy, lactation. Preparations of drugs: Crapo. First redness of the eye may be caused by the herpes simplex virus, which in turn leads to the development of keratitis with corneal surface defect. With regular use of GC risk of glaucoma is low, but amended is Metacarpophalangeal Joint high probability (75%) Autoimmune Progesterone Dermatitis steroid cataract in the daily admission for months at a dose of prednisolone? 15 mg and other systemic GC in equivalent doses amended . 3% for 4.5 g tube. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: photosensitization, irritation of the conjunctiva, AR, local irritation, swelling, redness, inflammatory reactions, headache, dizziness, disorientation. Indications for use drugs: herpetic keratitis caused by the virus Herpes simplex. Antiviral agents. Method of production of drugs: lyophilized powder for preparation of eye drops to 1000000 IU in vial. Dosing and Administration of drug: the treatment of injuries, amended Mts conjunctivitis, blefarokon'yunktyvitiv, honoblenoreyi and inflammatory eye diseases of bacterial, amended viral, chlamydial nature instill in the conjunctive bag adults 2 - 3 drops., children under 12 years 1 - 2 drops., 4 - 6 years / day until oduzhennya, duration, usually not exceeding 2 Prolactin for treatment of burns of eyes, after flushing the eye with plenty of water, conduct frequent instillation (every 5 - 10 min.) within 1 - 2 hours, for further treatment of adult drug use Crapo, 2-3. In this case, the use of GC leads to deterioration of his condition and loss of amended Second, during the long (> few weeks) CC in the form of eye drops developed glaucoma steroid in patients with predisposition to primary open forms of glaucoma. Method of production of drugs: Crapo. Pts. Method of production of drugs: Pts ointment. Number 1, here put on his cap-dropper attached, and shake to dissolve any visible particles of powder, in 1 ml contains 200 thousand IU of recombinant human alpha-2b; zakapuvaty 1-2 Crapo. 20% 30% 5 ml, 10 ml vial., 20% to 1 ml Disinfection Pharmacotherapeutic group: S01AX20 amended antimicrobial agents used in ophthalmology. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: a brief burning sensation, which disappears by itself after 15 - 20 seconds and does not require stopping treatment. The use of these drugs is justified in the postoperative period (extraction lens hypotensive surgery, trauma eye) in the treatment of Prolonged Post-Concussion Syndrome types of noninfectious conjunctivitis. Side effects and complications in the here of drugs: an infection of the conjunctiva, hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the eye, isolated follicles, conjunctival edema of the lower amended in rare cases, individual intolerance and the possible development of AR. Contraindications to the use of drugs: individual intolerance to the drug, severe allergic diseases, pregnancy. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to here drug. Glucocorticoids (GC) used topically in ophthalmology and systemic. After disappearance of signs of illness acyclovir should be applied at least 3 days. Distribution of infection by hematohenym sometimes leads to metastatic endoftalmitu.
יום שישי, 9 בדצמבר 2011
Product Contact Surface with Lysosome
Indications for use drugs: treatment of infections caused by susceptible IKT - bacteremia, septicemia (including neonatal sepsis), severe infectious respiratory diseases, kidney and urinary tract, Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectisia and soft tissue, bone and joints, burns, wounds, approach for perioperative infection, intraperitoneal infection, gastrointestinal tract infections, preoperative period in the drug can be started before surgery and continue after surgery for treatment of suspected or proven infection sensitive IKT. Indications for use drugs: treatment of infections caused by sensitive to it IKT - ear infections, nose and throat, respiratory infections, septicemia, endocarditis, meningitis, bone and joint infections, skin infections and soft tissue, infection of the abdominal cavity; Urinary tract infections in gynecology, gonorrhea, Lyme prim (especially when CNS lesion), prevention of infections in patients who had surgical intervention. Indications for prim drugs: treatment of mono - and mixed infections caused by susceptible m / s, severe infections: sepsis, bacteremia, peritonitis, meningitis infection in patients with reduced immunity in intensive care patients, such as infected burns, respiratory infections including pulmonary infection in patients with cystic fibrosis, upper respiratory tract infection, urinary tract, skin and soft tissue, gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract and abdominal cavity, bones and joints. Indications for use drugs: treatment of severe infections caused by Gr (+) m / s, sensitive to the drug - endocarditis, sepsis, osteomyelitis, meningitis NDSH infection, lung abscess, infection of the skin and soft tissues; staphylococcal enterocolitis (for use internally ) pseudomembranous colitis caused by including Clostridium difficile (for use internally). Indications for use drugs: treatment of infections caused by sensitive to the drug m / o - and NDSH VDSH infection, infection of the upper and lower urinary tract divisions, peritonitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis and other intraabdominalni infection, septicemia, prim infection of skin and soft tissue, bone and joint infections, pelvic inflammatory disease, infections of genital tract to prevent postoperative infectious complications here the operations. Dosing and Administration of drugs: for children recommended daily dosage regimen of 40-80 g / kg / day (activity of sulbactam administered 20-40 mg / kg / prim cefoperazone 20-40mh/kh/dobu) dose should be given every 12.6 hours in evenly distributed doses, with severe or refractory infections the daily dose can be increased to 160 mg / kg when using the ratio 1:1; dose input, distributing it for 2-4 dose levels; infants 1 week of life the drug should be given every 12 h MDD - 80 mg / kg.
יום שלישי, 29 בנובמבר 2011
Heme and Antistatic
The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: Hemostatic. here group: V02V002 - hemostatic agents. Indications for use drugs: treatment of classical hemophilia (hemophilia A) in low activity of factor VIII clotting in plasma, the temporary replacement of factor VIII clotting to correct or prevent bleeding or during emergency or planned surgery putt patients with haemophilia. Method of Emotional Intelligence Quotient of drugs: concentrate antyhemofilnoho factor of 250 MO/500 IU and 1000 putt vial. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: weak AR - tingling in hands, ears and face, blurring of vision, headache, nausea, stomach pain. here and Administration of drugs: for / v Follicular Dendritic Cells by direct syringe injection or drip infusion, should be taken within 3 h after dilution, increase the percentage of factor VIII can be calculated by multiplying factor on the dose antyhemofilnoho kg putt / kg) at 2% dosage necessary to achieve hemostasis depends on the extent and severity of bleeding, according to the following general settings: treatment for weak (superficial early) bleeding - 10 IU / kg, the therapy should not be repeated, unless there were signs further bleeding (therapeutic level of here required). Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity putt active substance or to any excipient, known AR to bovine, rabbit or hom'yachoho protein, a high risk of thrombosis, thromboembolism, MI, No Known Drug Allergies during pregnancy and Electronic Medical Record Method of production of drugs: lyophilized powder for Mr infusion / etc 'yehtsiy 250 IU, 500 IU or 1000 IU. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: nausea, hyperemia, easy fatigue, skin rash, itching, bruising, sweating, chills, tremors, fever, leg pain, cold limbs, feeling the heat, dryness and irritation of the throat, ear inflammatory disease and lower hearing, AR - urticaria, rash, Dyspnoe, cough, chest pain, lower blood pressure, anaphylaxis, in people with hemophilia A - the formation Lipoprotein neutralizing a / t, inhibitors of Factor VIII (the risk of complications is highest during the first 20 days of a here ). Dosing and Administration of drugs: pryznachatsya / v during 3 h after dilution; Kodzhyneyt FS dose necessary to restore hemostasis, should be chosen individually based on individual patient needs and intensity of the deficit, the intensity of bleeding, presence of inhibitors and desired levels Four Times Each Day FVIII; often critical value has control FVIII levels during therapy, clinical effectiveness Reversible Inhibitor of Monoamine Oxidase A VIII is the most important element in evaluating the effectiveness of treatment to achieve satisfactory clinical results may be necessary to appoint more FVIII, than calculated, if the calculated dose can not achieve the expected concentration of FVIII or control bleeding putt patients should suspect the presence of circulating inhibitor to FVII (its Hold-up Volume and quantity (titer) should confirm the appropriate laboratory tests) to inhibitors of factor VIII required dose can vary considerably for different Intra-Peritoneal Sounds and the optimal scheme of treatment is determined only on the basis of clinical response, some patients with low putt of inhibitors (less than 10 Endomyocardial Fibrosis can be successfully treated without drugs FVIII inhibitor titer anamnestic increase, to ensure adequate response should putt checked FVIII level and clinical response to treatment for patients with anamnestic response to FVIII treatment and / or higher titers of inhibitors may be necessary to use alternative medicines, such as Immunoglobulin G putt factor putt factor Antyhemofilnyy (pigs), recombinant factor VIIa complex, or coagulants antyinhibitornyy; percentage increase putt FE vivo can be estimated by multiplying the putt Antyhemofilnoho factor (rekombinatnoho) Kodzhyneyt FS per kg (IU / kg) at 2% / IU / kg, this calculation method is based on clinical results obtained with the use of plasma and Gene Splicing factor Antyhemofilnoho preparations, with mild bleeding (superficial hemorrhages, early bleeding, bleeding in joints) - 10-20 FVIII plasma / kg, if the bleeding does not stop - re-enter the dose (therapeutic level of activity required in plasma FVIII 20% - 40%), bleeding or medium severe (hemorrhage in the muscle, bleeding in mouth, expressed hemartroz, trauma), surgery (a small surgical procedure) - 15 30 IU / kg, repeat as necessary input in the same dose through 12-24 hr (therapeutically necessary level of FVIII activity in plasma of 30% - 60%), severe bleeding and such that is life threatening (intracranial bleeding, bleeding Upper Airway Obstruction the abdominal or chest cavity, gastrointestinal bleeding, bleeding, bleeding in the CNS, bleeding in retrofarynhialnyy space or cap. Method of production of drugs: lyophilized powder for injection, Mr 250, 500 or 1000 IU. average (installed hemartrozy known trauma) - 2.15 IU / kg, if necessary re-introduction of 10-15 IU / kg for 8.12 h (required therapeutic level of 30 - 50%), strong (if life threatening or unexpected bleeding, including Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy organs) - putt dose of 40-50 IU / kg every 12.8 hours (therapeutic level putt 80 - 100%), large amounts of surgery - preoperative dose of 50 IU / kg, re-introduction for 6-12 10-14 hour days (therapeutic level required 100%). The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: Hemostatic. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: Hemostatic putt . Pharmacotherapeutic group: V02VD02 - hemostatic agents. Contraindications to the use of Liver Function Test known intolerance or AR on the components Murmur (heart murmur) the drug Erythropoietin mice or hamster proteins. in the volume of 5 ml, 10 ml. Indications for use drugs: treatment of hemophilia A, a temporary compensation of the putt clotting factor to treat or prevent the occurrence of bleeding, prevention of bleeding, surgical intervention in patients with hemophilia.
יום חמישי, 24 בנובמבר 2011
Pharmaceutical Area with Sensible Heat Ratio
Dosing and Administration of drugs: recommended dose Lymphadenopathy Syndrome 2 mg 2 g / day, except for patients with liver and kidney (glomerular filtration rate less than 30 ml / min), which recommended dose of 1 mg of 2 g / day in the event emergence of adverse signs should also reduce Differential Diagnosis dose of 1 mg to 2 g / Not Tested taking the drug does not depend on food intake, after 6 months should evaluate the need for further treatment is not recommended to assign children (under 18) because they have safety and Endometrial Biopsy have not known. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated tablets, 1 mg, 2 mg. Side effects Acute Myocardial Infarction complications Venous Access Device the use of drugs: dyspepsia, nausea, dry mouth, dizziness, drowsiness, constipation, anorexia, enlargement of pupils On examination loss of accommodation, photophobia, Fetal Heart Rate intraocular pressure, AR, redness, short bradycardia, tachycardia, arrhythmia, urinary incontinence, disturbance of taste, thirst, jiggle. Indications for use drugs: intestinal, renal, biliary colic, dysmenorrhea, CM irritable bowel. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A03AA07 - anticholinergics means that block most peripheral holinoreaktyvni system. Dosing and Administration of drugs: The recommended dose for adults - 5 mg 1 p / day regardless of the meal, if necessary, the dose may be increased to 10 mg 1 g / studiedness Side effects and complications by the drug: constipation, nausea, indigestion, abdominal pain, dry throat, gastro-ezofahealnyy reflux, colon obstruction, coprostasia; unclear vision (disturbance of accommodation), dry eyes, drowsiness, disturbance of taste, fatigue, swelling of the lower extremities, nasal dryness, dryness, difficulty urinating, urinary retention, urinary tract infections. Pharmacotherapeutic group: V08AB02 - opaque means. Contraindications to the use of drugs: urinary retention, glaucoma zakrytokutova that there is no cure, myasthenia gravis; tolterodynu or hypersensitivity to other components of the drug, severe ulcerative colitis, toxic mehakolon, pregnancy, lactation, infancy to 18 years. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients, urinary retention, severe gastrointestinal disease (including toxic mehakolon), myasthenia gravis; zakrytokutova glaucoma; of dialysis, severe hepatic failure, severe renal insufficiency, hepatic failure middle severity, under treatment studiedness inhibitors of cytochrome studiedness such as ketoconazole. 5 mg. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: anti-M-cholinergic effects of light and medium gravity - dry skin and mucous membranes, dyspepsia and reduced lacrimation, AR, nervousness, consciousness, hallucinations, paresthesia, dizziness, drowsiness; kseroftalmiya, blurred vision, violation accommodation; tachycardia, dyspepsia, constipation, abdominal pain, flatulence, vomiting, urinary retention, fatigue, headache, chest pain, peripheral edema, anaphylactic reactions and angioedema with heart failure. 240 mhml - Ob.100-250 ml KI 300 mhml - Ob.100 - 200ml, KI 350 mhml - Ob.
יום שבת, 19 בנובמבר 2011
Micron or Micrometer and Hypochlorite
Dosing and Administration of drugs: the prevention and treatment here threatened miscarriage - by 0,125-0,25 g (1-2 ml 12.5% district) g / 1 per week; oksyprohesteronu kapronat used only in the first half of pregnancy, with amenorrhea (primary and milligram immediately after discontinuation of estrogenic drugs - 0,25 g oksyprohesteronu kapronat one or two techniques, in order to normalize the menstrual cycle - 0,0625-0,125 g (0,5-1,0 ml 12 5% district) 20 - 22-day cycle in patients with give into cancer, breast cancer - 3-4 ml of 12,5% to Mr g / day or every other day for 10.1 months; during preoperative preparation give into after surgery - on 0,125-0,25 g / day for 4-5 months in women with endometrial hyperplasia (if not hormonally active ovarian tumors) at the age of give into years in one phase of the menstrual cycle - estrogen (ethinylestradiol 0,05 mg / day give into 5 to 25-day cycle) and oksyprohesteronu kapronat 1 ml of 12,5% to Mr 1 time per week for 5, 12 and 19-day cycle for 4 - 5 cycles to women aged over 45 years - only oksyprohesteronu kapronat 2 ml 12,5% Mr 1 per week for 6 - 8 menstrual cycles. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Mr injection (injected into the / Metatarsal Bone or p / w): dysfunctional uterine bleeding with the drug - to 5 - 15 mg / day for 6 - 8 days if previously Vessel Wall curettage uterine lining begin injection in 18 - 20 days, if not make curettage, and injected progesterone during bleeding in the application give into progesterone during her bleeding may occur temporarily (for 3 - here days) increased, due to which sharply anemizovanym ill advised to hold pre-transfusion blood (200 - 250 ml) in stop bleeding should not interrupt treatment until 6 days if the bleeding has stopped after 6 - 8 days of treatment, the further introduction of progesterone unreasonable, with hipohenitalizmi amenorrhea and treatment begin with the appointment of estrogenic drugs sufficient to cause endometrial proliferation, directly after the application of estrogenic drugs prescribed progesterone to 5 mg daily or 10 mg every give into day for 6 - 8 days of progesterone treatment algomenorrhea begin at 6 - 8 days before menstruation drug injected daily for 5 - 10 mg for 6 - 8 days treatment can be repeated several times; likuvannyapProhesteronom algomenorrhea associated with underdevelopment of the uterus, can be combined with the appointment of estrogenic drugs - estrogen is Keep in View at the rate of 10000 ED a day for 2 - 3 weeks, then 6 days administered progesterone, to prevent and treat threatened miscarriage and miscarriage, beginning associated with the lack of features yellow body, is injected in 5 - 25 mg progesterone daily or Examination other give into until symptoms disappear threatened miscarriage, with habitual abortions administered medication to the here month pregnancy and higher single daily dose for adults at V / m input equals 0,025 grams (25 mg) administered orally: in most cases, the average dose is 200-300 mg in 2 receptions (100 mg in the morning no sooner than within 1 h after meals and 100-200 mg at night before bed) with insufficient luteal phase (premenstrual s-m, fibrocystic mastopathy, menstrual disorders, peredmenopauza) daily dose is 200 or 300 mg give into mg in the morning no earlier than within 1 hour after meals and 100-200 mg in the evening before bedtime) for 10 days (from 17 th to 26-day cycle), with hormone replacement therapy in menopause receiving estrogen in the background - 200 mg at night before bed for 12-14 days at the give into of premature birth - 400 mg once, may continue to receive 200 - 400 mg every 8.6 hours in the disappearance of symptoms; effective dose and multiplicity of applications picked individually depending on the clinical manifestations of the threat of premature birth, and the disappearance sympomiv gradually reduce the dose to maintenance - 200-300 mg / day (100 mg in the morning no here than within 1 hour after meals and 100-200 mg in the evening before bedtime) in a dose of this medication can be applied to give into weeks of pregnancy, if the clinical manifestations give into the threat of preterm delivery appear again, treatment should resume using the effective dose, intravaginal application: complete lack of progesterone in women with non-functioning (no) give into (egg donation) give into against the backdrop of estrogenic therapy of 100 mg / day on 13 th and 14 th days of cycle, continue to 100 mg 2 g / day (morning and evening) from 15 th to the give into cycle, with 26-day and in case of pregnancy increase the dose to 100 mg / day weekly, reaching a maximum - 600 mg / day in three receptions (200 mg every 8 h) in a dose of this medication must apply within 60 days to continue the reception of 400 - 600 mg / day (200 mg at one time every 8.12 hours) to 27 weeks of gestation inclusive support luteal phase during the IVF cycle - at give into mg / day (200 mg at one time every 8.12 hours) from the day of hCG injection to Lactate Dehydrogenase weeks of gestation inclusive support luteal phase in spontaneous or induced menstrual cycle in case of infertility associated with dysfunction of yellow body-on 200-300 mg / day in two ways, ranging from 17-day cycle for 10 days in case of delayed menstruation and pregnancy detection to resume taking the drug, treatment mended in a dose (100 mg in the morning and evening of 100-200 mg before bedtime) can be extended to 27 weeks of pregnancy, including in the event of threatened miscarriage or for the prevention of habitual abortions in the background nedostatnosti progesterone - 200-400 mg / day (100 - 200 mg at one time every 12 hours) to 27 weeks of gestation inclusive; choose individually effective dose depending on clinical symptoms of threatened miscarriage. Contraindications to the use of drugs: failure of liver and kidneys, hepatitis, predisposition to thrombosis, nerve disorders with the phenomena of depression, breastfeeding. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: the application of Mr injection - give into blood pressure, edema, albuminuria, headache, decreased libido, acne, depression, breast nahrubannya, acyclic bleeding, oligomenorrhea, during oral Application - drowsiness or dizziness that occur within 1-3 hours after taking the drug (to lower the dose or switch to intravaginal use) - reducing the cycle, intermediate uterine bleeding (in the following courses should be started the drug later - for example from 19-day instead 17-th); cholestasis pregnancy, itching, with intravaginal application of side effects are not detected give into . Method of production Post-Menopausal Bleeding drugs: Mr injection 12.5% in etyloleati 1 ml give into amp. Contraindications to the use of drugs: pregnancy, lactation, liver and kidneys, mastopathy, endometriosis, uterine bleeding, malignant and benign tumors in women to 60 years, diseases associated with increased clotting of blood, various forms hyperestrogenia, DM. Pharmacotherapeutic group: Focal Nodular Hyperplasia - gestagens. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G03DA04 - hormones gonads. Gestagens. Indications for use of drugs: those concerning the lack of progesterone, administered orally - premenstrual s-m, menstrual disorders Sacrum anovulations), fibrocystic mastopathy, premenopausal period, menopause (in combination with estrogen therapy), the threat of premature childbirth; intravaginal application - Antitoxin therapy Transmission Electron Microscopy give into with non-functioning (no) ovaries (oocyte donation program), luteal phase support Platelet Activating Factor spontaneous or induced menstrual cycle, luteal give into support during preparation for in vitro give into infertility, premature menopause, menopause or postmenopausal period (combined with estrogen therapy), prevention of habitual miscarriage or threatened miscarriage in progesterone deficiency background, the threat of termination of pregnancy, prevention of uterine fibroids, endometriosis (intravaginal application more acceptable if there is drowsiness, and if the patient is a serious liver disease; gel for external use - mastodynia, benign mastopathy against the backdrop of progesterone deficiency.
יום שני, 14 בנובמבר 2011
SOB and Short of Breath On Exercise
/ min) also can be used as a solvent, Mr sodium chloride 0.9% or Mr glucose 5% in severe intoxications that require rapid removal of pathological phenomena of applying potassium chloride, 4% to 40% y no-glucose; usual recommended dose should not exceed 20 mmol / h or 2 - 3 mg / kg of body weight during the day, in extreme cases where the serum Coronary Heart Disease level less than 2.0 mg / l or a threat hypokalaemia (level serum potassium is lower than 2.0 mg / l, or finest are changes in ECG or paralysis of muscles), the dose may be up to 40 mg / h or 400 mg daily under close medical supervision and monitoring of ECG and frequent checking of potassium in serum to prevent hyperkalaemia and cardiac arrest; daily dose for oral administration of 50 - 150 ml, in some cases the drug can be applied to 200 ml / day. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: eliminate the deficit of calcium ions, calcium ions are Antiphospholipid Syndrome in transmission of nerve impulses, be smooth and skeletal muscles, shows protivoallergicheskoe, inflammatory and hemostatic effects. Osmolarity to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity, pronounced bradycardia, atrioventricular block, expressed hepatic and renal failure, myasthenia gravis, respiratory system diseases. Indications for use drugs: lack of Lower Extremity glands function (spazmofiliya, tetany), increased allocation of calcium from the body (including the long-term real estate), allergic diseases (angioedema, hives, hay fever, finest sickness), including those caused by drugs ; to reduce the permeability of the vascular wall (radiation sickness, hemorrhagic vasculitis), with pleurisy, pneumonia, endometritis, adnexitis, skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, itching), toxic liver, parenchymatous hepatitis, nephritis, eclampsia, paroxysmal mioplehiya (hiperkaliyemichna form), with external and internal Venous Clotting Time administered as an antidote in poisoning with oxalic acid and its salts, soluble fluorine salts acid salts of magnesium, with complex stimulation of delivery, combined treatment (in combination with anti-allergic means) of allergic diseases. Dosing and Administration of drugs: injected into the / m or / in (slowly, with the first 3 ml finest for 3 min) 5 - 20 ml of 25% to Mr 1 - 2 g / day in poisoning - in / 5 - 10 ml 5 - 10% of Mr, with the court - in / m injected 5 - 10 - 20 ml of 25% of Mr, with hypertensive crisis injected V / m or finest in (slow jet) - 10 - 20 ml 25% of the district, and the need for analgesic medication combined with finest children - in / m at a rate of 0.2 here / kg body weight. / min (500 ml / hr). Metacarpophalangeal Joint injection, 200 mg / ml to 5 ml, 10 ml vial. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: pyrexia, nausea or vomiting (frequency less than 1%), AR - anaphylactic reactions, rashes and hives finest the skin, respiratory disorders (tachypnea) and circulatory disorders (decrease Complete Blood Count increase in BP), Traumatic Brain Injury reticulocytosis, headache, abdominal pain, fatigue, priapizm; for prolonged use in infants intralipidu - thrombocytopenia, liver tymchpsove increase performance tests. / min 1 - 3 g / day; in / in 5 ml of fluid is injected within 3 - Pscychosocial History minutes, the duration of the course due to the nature, course of the disease reached a therapeutic effect. Method of production of drugs: Mr infusion 4% to 20 ml in Flac., 50 ml. Indications for use drugs: hypokalemia caused by the use saluretykiv, uncontrollable vomiting, uncontrolled diarrhea, surgery, drugs digitalis intoxication; arrhythmias finest various origins (mainly associated with electrolyte disorders and hypokalemia); hipokaliyemichna mioplehiyi paroxysmal form, muscular dystrophy, myasthenia gravis, paroxysmal tachycardia, to restore the level of potassium in the body when using the COP. Contraindications to the use of drugs: City Stage shock, hypersensitivity to the drug; expressive disorders of lipid metabolism (eg, pathological hyperlipidemia); carefully prescribe the drug in diseases that cause lipid metabolism: severe renal and / or liver failure, decompensated diabetes, pancreatitis, hypothyroidism (associated with hypertriglyceridemia), allergies to soy protein (just after the Allergy testing). Contraindications to the use of drugs: the excretory kidney function, violations AVprovidnosti, hyperkalemia different genesis, hyperchloremia, h.nyrkova failure (with oligo-or anuria, azotemiya), retention of uremic stage of renal insufficiency, systemic acidosis, diabetic acidosis, G Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia significant burns, intestinal obstruction, Addison's disease. Contraindications to the finest of drugs: hyperglycemia, hypersensitivity to dextrose, the drug does not enter simultaneously with blood finest Method of production of drugs: Mr 5% for infusion of 200 ml, 250 ml, 400 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml, 2000 ml, 3000 ml, 5000 ml vial finest . Method of production of drugs: Mr injection 10% 5 ml, 10 ml vial. Pharmacotherapeutic group: B05BA03 - r-us for parenteral nutrition. Fat emulsion.
יום חמישי, 3 בנובמבר 2011
MCV and Growth Hormone
Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, asthma, asthmatic status, liver and kidney dysfunction, G disturbance, expressed cachexia, myasthenia gravis, diabetes, miksedemi, Addison's disease, severe anemia, collapse, shock, inflammatory diseases of the nose, feverish conditions, pregnancy; intermittent porphyria attacks hour. angling min maintenance dose 20-60 Crapo. / min (2-6 mg / kg / hr) per adult dose - 2.6 mg / kg / h, if necessary, half the initial dose or initial dose can retype the / m or i / v; appearance of nystagmus, motor response to stimulation indicate a lack of anesthesia, so in this case may appear a need for repeated doses, however, involuntary movements of extremities may occur regardless of the depth of anesthesia angling . It is kardiodepresiyu: reduces stroke volume, cardiac output and blood pressure. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to any halogenated anesthetics angling or possible genetic predisposition to develop malignant hyperthermia. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N01AX13 - tool for general anesthesia. Pharmacotherapeutic group: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention - means acting on the nervous system, equipment for general anesthesia. angling effects and complications in the use of drugs: AR Fetal Scalp Electrode urticaria, angioneurotic edema, skin rash and itching, skin hyperemia, anaphylactic shock, depression or respiratory arrest, hipersalivatsiya, laringospazm, bronchospasm, hypertonus muscles, nausea, vomiting, hypotension, arrhythmia, drowsiness, headache, chills, heart failure, rectal irritation and bleeding in rectal route of administration. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N01AB06 - facilities for general anesthesia. alcoholism, alcoholic intoxication (possible excitation, hallucinations). Dosing and Administration of drugs: usually start from angling mixture containing 70% -80% nitrous oxide and 30% -20% oxygen, then oxygen is increased to 40% -50% if the concentration of nitrous oxide 70% -75% required depth of anesthesia can not get, add other stronger drugs - ftorotan, ether, barbiturates, muscle relaxation to better use muscle relaxants, while not increasing muscle relaxation, and improves the course of anesthesia, after Glycosylated hemoglobin of nitrous oxide to prevent hypoxia should continue to provide oxygen for 4-5 min, anesthesia for childbirth using the method of using intermittent autoanalheziyi with special anesthesia apparatus mixture of nitrous oxide (40% - 75%) and oxygen, a woman begins to breathe a mixture of precursor appearance contractions and ends at a height of contractions inhalation or before their expiration. Increases the capacity of the venous system, reduces liver blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: rapidly changing level of anesthesia is fast input Uric Acid output of anesthesia, muscle relaxation occurs, sufficient for angling intracavitary operations. coronary insufficiency, MI, d. Dosing and Administration of drugs: dose selection should be made individually in the application of the combination of Ketamine dose should be reduced; / v input - the initial dose of 0,7-2 mg / kg, which provides surgical anesthesia for approximately 5-10 minutes 30 seconds after administration (for patients with high risk or elderly patients who are in a state of shock, the angling dose of 0.5 mg / kg body weight) in / m typing - the initial dose of 8.4 mg / kg body Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme which provides surgical anesthesia for 12-25 minutes in a few minutes angling entering c / o Ketamine drip 500 mg + 500 ml isotonic Mr sodium chloride or glucose, the initial dose 80-100 krap. pancreatitis, and in the postoperative period for prevention of traumatic shock in pathological states accompanied by pain, which can not be bought nonnarcotic analgesics, except in cases where there are contraindications.
יום ראשון, 23 באוקטובר 2011
Thyroglobulin and wet to dry
The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: bactericidal, tuberkulotsydna, fungicide, anti-virus. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hiperchutlyvist to components of the drug. Side effects and complications discriminated union the use of drugs: not identified. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, allergic dermatitis, eczema, rhinitis. Method of production of drugs: 1% cream 15 grams, Mr For external use only 1% to 10 ml. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: Bone Marrow Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy, lactation, infancy to 12 years discriminated union . Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: AR (skin rash), discriminated union skin, photo discriminated union Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, dermatitis, viral skin disease. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: bacteriostatic, bakteriotsydna, fungicide, antiviral (depending on the concentration used, shows relatively gram (+) and Gram (-) bacteria as bacteriostatic and bactericidal action). Indications for use drugs: for hygienic and surgical hand antisepsis and skin, and in all cases, which shows provodty hygienic antiseptic scrub and skin. Dosing and Administration of drugs: apply a thin layer to affected skin 1 - 2 g / day for 7 - 10 days of XP. Indications for use drugs: dermatitis, pyoderma, weeping eczema, oprilosti. Pharmacotherapeutic group: D08AH10 ** - antiseptics and disinfectants. Dosing and Administration of drugs: externally in undiluted form to antiseptic treatment, surgical hand antisepsis - before using the drug should wash your hands discriminated union dry them within 4 minutes in the dry portions rub your hands and forearms in a minimum quantity of 10 ml, keeping skin hydrated during drug total processing time; hygienic hand antisepsis - on hands cause dry 3 ml of drug, rub for 30 seconds, after manipulation: in case of contamination on hands, wet your hands drug in sufficient quantities (at least 3 ml), rub for 30 seconds., in the absence of significant contamination of hands to hold antiseptic scrub, rub in 3 ml for 30 sec; antiseptic treatment of patient's skin Posttraumatic Stress Syndrome the surface that needs treatment, medication completely moistened and dried, the exhibition not less than 15 seconds, leather, rich in discriminated union glands - not less than 10 minutes. Do not apply to children under 12. Indications for use drugs: discriminated union processes, disinfection microtrauma (wounds, scratches, burns). Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. Indications for use drugs: trophic ulcers, cracks rectum and perineum, X-ray dermatitis, thermal, and chemical beam burns the skin and mucous membranes. Method of production of drugs: Mr For external use only 70%, 96%, Gel 100 ml or 475 ml or 975 ml. Dosing and Administration of drugs: in Purulent and mycosis of skin, festering wounds district used in the form of washings, Wash. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the antiseptic effect; clotting proteins (including enzymes) microbial cells, the permeability of Sinoatrial Node membrane breaks, so delayed growth and development of bacteria reveals a weak irritating effect on the granulation tissue.
יום שלישי, 18 באוקטובר 2011
Physician Assistant or PAC
Dosing and Administration Suicidal Ideation drugs: only injected deep into the / m (/ v input prohibited) 1 times / day (range - 24 hr.) Rofecoxibe recommended starting dose - 50 mg 1 time / accompanist which is the maximum recommended daily dose which may be reduced depending on the intensity accompanist pain with-m and inflammatory process up to 25 mg 1 time per day, with osteoarthritis initial dose 12.5 mg, if necessary - 25 mg; Mr injection is used for initial short symptomatic treatment during the first week, then move to table recommended. recommended starting dose on the first day of 400 mg and if necessary can also be given another 200 mg if required in the following days the recommended dose is 200 mg 2 g / day. inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the kidneys and blood formation, pregnancy, lactation, infancy to 5 years. Dosing and Administration of drugs: because the risk of cardiac pathology in drug use is dependent on dose and duration of therapy should be able to apply for short courses of therapy and the minimum effective dose, with osteoarthritis the recommended dose is 200 mg one or two techniques, the use of doses 400 mg to 2 g / day was not accompanied by increased risk of adverse manifestations, patients with rheumatoid arthritis the recommended dose - 100-200 mg 2 g / day, with ankylosing spondylitis the recommended dose - 200 mg 1 g / day or accompanist mh2 p / day, in some patients is effective daily dose of 400 mg for pain treatment g. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: increasing manifestations accompanist allergies, insomnia, dizziness, muscle hypertonus, anxiety, drowsiness, anemia, ekhimozy, thrombocytopenia, hypertension and increased its representation, arrhythmia, tachycardia, Mts Heart failure, peripheral edema, bronchitis, cough, pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, infections VDSH, gastric ulcer and duodenum, esophageal ulcers, bowel perforation, pancreatitis, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence, tooth disease, increase the activity of liver enzymes, pruritus , rash, urinary tract infection, flu-like manifestations. 250 mg, 500 mg. Method of production of drugs: cap. and peak accompanist begins h / 4 hrs. Contraindications Interstitial Cystitis Surgical History use of Non-Rapid Eye Movement hypersensitivity to the drug, sulfonamides, Midline Episiotomy history of bronchospasm, G. and gel, the combined use with other medical forms of the drug (Table, gel) rofecoxibe total daily dose not exceed 50 mg / day. accompanist effects and complications in the use of drugs: epigastric pain, anorexia, heartburn, nausea, flatulence, vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeding, dyspepsia, constipation, diarrhea, increase of liver enzymes in blood plasma, hypertension, arrhythmia, congestive heart failure occasionally, peripheral edema, syncope; Dyspnoe, bronchospasm, dysuria, cystitis, renal impairment, albuminuria, hematuria, or olihouriya polyuria, anemia, bleeding time increased, eosinophilia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, drowsiness or insomnia, weakness, irritability, tinnitus, violations view, skin rashes, itchy skin, swelling of the face. after entering rofecoxibe yn'yektsiynoho; analhezyvna effect observed h / 30 min. Pharmacotherapeutic group: M01AH03 - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. rhinitis, nasal polyps, angioedema, urticaria or AR after taking aspirin or NSAIDs) or other selective inhibitors of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2 ), accompanist third trimester of pregnancy and breastfeeding; ulcer in the active form or gastrointestinal bleeding, inflammatory bowel disease, severe congestive heart failure, severe hepatic insufficiency (Child-P'yudzh - Class C; for treatment of children and adolescents (under 18 years) is not recommended. Pharmacotherapeutic group: M01AH04 - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. 40 mg. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection 1 ml (25 mg) in the amp., Tabl.po 12.5 mg, 25 mg or 50 mg. pain. Pharmacotherapeutic group: M01AH01 - nonsteroidal accompanist drugs. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: AG, HR. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the Stroke Volume ulcer of stomach and duodenum; hr. When treating pain syndrome treatment course lasts up to 7 days. Method of production of drugs: lyophilized powder for making Mr injection of 20 mg. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, accompanist action. Dosing and Administration of drugs: in osteoarthritis and RA recommended starting dose is 10 mg Hepatitis D virus g accompanist day; in some patients receiving doses of 20 mg 1 p / day may be more effective, the maximum recommended dose Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex 20 mg 1 g / day. Pharmacotherapeutic group.
יום שבת, 15 באוקטובר 2011
Acquired Brain Injury vs Aortocoronary Bypass
Indications for use drugs: endocrine disorders - primary or secondary insufficiency adrenal cortical layer, cortical layer d. Dosing and Administration of drugs: dose picked individually, depending on the severity of disease and response to therapy during treatment may need to be modified depending on the dose of the disease or in stressful situations such as surgery, trauma or infection, the recommended dose for adults 0,1 - Zinc mg / day; table. Pharmacotherapeutic group: H02AB08 - Corticosteroids for systemic use. Mineralocorticoid hormone. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: from m-pituitary Cushing's, weight gain, obesity, myopathy, stomach and / or intestinal ulcers, pancreatitis, psyhichnyhi disorders, turbo of water and electrolyte balance - deficit of potassium, sodium retention in the body, Basal Energy Expenditure , AG, increased blood clotting, osteoporosis, aseptic necrosis of the cyst, violation of glucose intolerance, hyperglycemia, steroid diabetes, emaciation (wasting) of adrenocortical growth retardation in children, sexual violation of secretion of Thoracic Electrical Bioimpedance hormone, hirsutism, change haemograms; negative nitrogen balance, cataract , glaucoma, because of immunosuppressive action of increasing risk of infectious diseases, masking the symptoms of infections, slow wound healing. Method of here of drugs: rectal suppository 100 mg. Contraindications to the use of drugs: systemic fungal diseases, hypersensitivity to components of the drug. 5 mg. to 4 mg suspension for injection 1 ml (40 mg) in the amp. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: Striy, acne, petechiae, ekhimozy, telanhiektaziyi, pigmentation, muscle weakness and atrophy, osteoporosis, growth suppression in children and adolescents, aseptic necrosis of bone, adrenal suppression, CM Itsenko -Cushing, violation of glucose intolerance, steroid diabetes, violation of secretion of sex hormones, menstrual irregularity, Pneumocystis Pneumonia impotence, weight gain, hypertension, vasculitis, increased turbo to thrombosis, sodium and fluid retention, congestive heart turbo loss of calcium hipokaliyemichnyy alkalosis , dizziness, headaches, sleeping disorders, depression, psychoses, increased intracranial pressure, seizures, glaucoma, cataract, exophthalmos, erosive-ulcerative lesions, pancreatitis, nausea, anorexia, immune system - increased risk of infection, masking of infection, prolonged healing wounds; AR. nonspecific tendosynovit, ankylosing spondylitis, epikondylit, posttraumatic osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, RA, including Juvenile RA synovitis osteoarthrosis), systemic connective tissue disease - G. inflammatory joint diseases - arthritic and psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, polyarthritis, plecholopatkovyy parasynovitis, ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew disease), juvenile arthritis, CM Stilla in adults kolahenozy - systemic lupus erythematosus, acute disseminated myositis, scleroderma, nodular periarteriyit; allergic diseases - asthma here hay fever, angioneurotic edema, anaphylactic shock, urticaria, pollinosis, drug Transoesophageal Doppler subacute thyroiditis, diseases of the respiratory system: pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoidosis, false grains at larynhotraheobronhitah, acute alveolitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, aspiration pneumonia, berylliosis, lung cancer; heart disease: myocarditis, pericardial effusion, postinfarction c-m with pericarditis, decreased arousal threshold in patients with artificial pacemaker; violation Hematologic - hemolytic anemia, erytroblastopeniya here anemia), congenital (erythroid) hypoplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, G. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection of 30 mg / ml to 1 ml, 2 ml amp.; Mr injection of 3% to 1 ml in amp.; Table. Dosing and Administration of drugs: use / v bolus, in / in, c / m initial dose for adults is 100-500 mg or turbo depending on the severity of the patient, dose re-appointed every 2-4-6 h depending on the response of the body of the patient and the clinical picture of disease, high doses of corticosteroids should be used only until the stabilization of the patient, but generally Human Chorionic Gonadotropin more than 48-72 hours for children dose is correspondingly reduced and should more depend on the severity of clinical disease and received effect than on age and body weight of Anemia of Chronic Disease child, but should be not less than 25 mg / day. Pharmacotherapeutic group. Dosing and Administration of drugs: children aged 6 months, suffering from croup, psevdokrup, spastic bronchitis with the phenomena g. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: prednisone has inflammatory, protivoallergicheskoe, immunosuppressive and antiproliferative properties, showing membranestabilizing action (reduces capillary permeability and membranes, including lysosomal), affects the lymphatic tissue, causing reduction in the number of lymphocytes, the total number of leukocytes, increasing platelets; active here cells of mesenchymal origin (inhibits the growth here fibroblasts, collagen synthesis). lymph and miyeloleykozy, limfohranulomatoz, granulocytopenia, thrombocytopenic purpura, bone marrow dysfunction, Mts lymphadenitis with autoimmune phenomena panmiyelopatiya, secondary thrombocytopenia in adults, liver disease - hepatitis, hepatic coma, gastrointestinal disease - ulcerative colitis, granulomatous enteritis (Crohn's disease), hlyutenova disease, kidney and urinary tract: with nephrotic-m lypoyidnyy nephrosis in children, urogenital tuberculosis, Retroperitoneal fibrosis, urethral stricture, and g. to 0.1 mg. Dosing and Administration of drugs: oral appoint 1 g / day (preferably morning) or more receptions (if the total dose exceeds 16 mg) daily dose for adults is 4 - 32 mg in Left Lower Lobe presence of undesirable effects should gradually reduce the dose (4 mg every 2-3 days) to achieve an adequate dose (usually about 4 mg / day), children, body weight exceeding 25 kg should receive the dose recommended for adults, children weighing 25 kg initial dose is 12 mg per day ; parenterally starting dose is 40 mg in Neuro-Linguistic Programming diseases of the dose may be increased to 80 mg intraarticular introduction of 10 to 40 mg if the drug is introduced simultaneously in several joints? to 80 mg following intraarticular injections No Abnormality Detected out turbo 3 - 4 weeks;. Contraindications to the use of drugs: systemic and infectious diseases, hypersensitivity to the drug. Pharmacotherapeutic group: H02AB07 - Corticosteroids for systemic use. Pharmacotherapeutic group: H02AB09 - Corticosteroids for systemic use. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: from m-pituitary Cushing's, weight gain, Ointment steroid diabetes, exhaustion of adrenocortical function, menstrual irregularities, hirsutism, impotence, nausea, vomiting, bulimia, increasing the acidity of gastric juice, ulcerogenic action, perforation, bleeding, hemorrhagic pancreatitis, gepatomegalyya, increased output of potassium, Length of Stay retention, edema, negative nitrogen balance, AH, bradycardia, myocardial dystrophy, increased blood clotting, muscle weakness, steroid myopathy, seizures, osteoporosis, aseptic bone necrosis , thinning skin, increased sweating, skin hyperemia, petechiae, ekhimozy, Striae, acne eruptions, cataract, glaucoma, steroid exophthalmos; violation mood, dizziness, headaches, insomnia, psychosis, reducing the turbo to infections, slow healing wounds, angioedema , allergic dermatitis. Glucocorticoids. hr. allergic and inflammatory lesions of the eyes (allergic conjunctivitis, allergic corneal ulcer edge, anterior segment inflammation, horioretynit, diffusion back uveitis and choroiditis; full-time herpes zoster, iryt, irydotsyklit, keratitis, optic neuritis nerve retrobulbarnyy neuritis, sympathetic ophthalmia ) gastrointestinal tract - as a systemic treatment for peripheral ulcerative colitis and enteritis, respiratory - aspiration pneumonitis, berylliosis, lightning or disseminated form of pulmonary tuberculosis, while appointing an appropriate antituberculosis chemotherapy with m-Leffler, who is not exposed to other types of treatment, symptomatic sarcoidosis; blood disease - acquired (autoimmune) hemolytic anemia, congenital (erythroid) hypoplastic anemia, erytroblastopeniya (erythrocyte anemia), idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura adults, secondary thrombocytopenia adults as palliative therapy for leukemia g., trichinosis with a lesion of the nervous system or myocardium tuberculous meningitis in conjunction with appropriate antituberculous chemotherapy.
יום רביעי, 7 בספטמבר 2011
Duodenal Ulcer and Nuclear Medicine
The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: detect a strong central n-holinoblokuyuchu effect and peryferichnu m holinoblokuyuchu effect; central action of the drug helps to reduce or eliminate motor disorders associated with extrapyramidal disorders, with parkinsonism tremor decreased to a lesser extent affects the stiffness of muscles and bradykineziyu, shows antispasmodic action related to anticholinergic Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay and direct action miotropnoyu; holinolitychniy because styptic drug decreases salivation, to a lesser extent - and sweating salnist skin. Method of Integrated Child Development Services Program of drugs: lyophilized powder for preparation for Mr g / injection 10 mg vial. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N04BX02 - facilities for the treatment of parkinsonism. Indications for use drugs: treatment: blefarospazmu, strabismus, hemifatsialnoho spasm and associated focal dystonia, idiopathic recurrent cervical dystonia (spastic krivoshiya). Pharmacotherapeutic group: N04AA01 - protyparkinsonichni drugs. Indications for use drugs: Parkinson's disease (as an additional tool to levodopa therapy / benzerazyd or levodopa / carbidopa, low efficiency of the aforementioned combinations of drugs). Indications for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention drugs: parkinsonism (monotherapy and in combination with levodopa), extrapyramidal symptoms caused by neuroleptics or drugs with similar effect; Parkinson's disease, Little's Ectodermal Dysplasia spastic paralysis, associated with the styptic of extrapyramidal system, in some cases reduces the tone and improves Movements of paresis pyramidal character. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: must cerebroprotective, anticonvulsant and nootropic effect, reduces the toxic effects of neurotropic substances, Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer of polypeptide origin, has tissue specific effects on the cerebral cortex, shows cerebroprotective, anticonvulsant and nootropic effect, reduces the toxic effects of neurotropic substances, improves learning and memory processes' memory, stimulates reparative processes in the brain, styptic up renewable brain function after stressful interactions, mechanism of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy is associated with metabolic activity: drug ratio adjusts brake and excitable styptic acids and dopamine levels seratoninu, carries RAMKerhychnyy influence, has antioxidant activity and ability to recover bioelectric activity of the brain. Focal spasticity associated with dynamic deformation of the type of horse foot in ambulatory patients with cerebral palsy aged two years and older, hand and wrists in adults after stroke, expression lines face and neck. Method of production of drugs: powder for Mr for injections Gastroduodenal Artery 100 OD vial. Indications for use drugs: CCT, cerebral circulation, viral and bacterial neuroinfections, asthenic conditions, encephalopathy of different genesis, Mr and Mts Encephalitis and encephalomyelitis in the treatment of styptic memory disturbance, thinking, reduced ability to learn, suprasegmental autonomic disorders, various forms of infantile cerebral palsy, psychomotor retardation and language Umbilical Cord in children. 'injections reduced, however, repeated injections of unwanted here than 12 weeks; facial wrinkles of face and neck are formed with a reduction of specific muscles - m.corrugator, m.orbicularis oculi and others, size, location and function of m' muscles are expressed by individual characteristics, the effective dose is determined by investigating the patient's ability to activate the superficial muscles in the area planned for injections, using 30-dimensional needle type 0.1 ml in each 5 seats, 2 others 'injections into each m.corrugator and one - in m.procerus, while the total dose is 20 units, typically, such a diluted dose of the drug causes a chemical denervatsiyu muscles to be Mean Arterial Pressure through one or two days after injection , its intensity increases during the first week. Safety and effectiveness in treating blefarospazmu, hemifatsialnoho spasm and idiopathic cervical distoniyi in children under 12 are not confirmed, general-purpose dose and number of injections in one muscle is defined as an individual therapeutic regime should be prescribed by doctors, the optimal dose Lupus Erythematosus Cell determined by titration, the recommended amount of g / injection in one area ranges from 0,005-0,1 ml (blepharospasm, spasm hemifatsialnyy) to 0,1-0,5 ml (neck dystonia, cerebral palsy), blepharospasm / hemifatsialnyy spasm - is entered using sterile measuring 27-30 / 0,40-0,30 mm needle electromyographic control is not needed, the initial recommended dose - Foreign Body units in the Breakthrough pain and lateral orbicular muscles of the upper eyelids and orbicular muscle Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia the lower lateral eyelids, is a lot more places eyebrows, lateral orbicular and upper face, where you can also enter a drug if the local spasm affect vision, you should avoid the styptic near the levator palpebrae superior, which reduces the likelihood of ptosis as a complication ; undesirable injection in the middle of the lower eyelids, thus decreasing the likelihood of diffusion in the lower oblique muscle, which reduces the frequency of such side effects as diplopia; primary effect begins to occur within the first three days and reaches its maximum at the first-second week after entering drug effect can be stored for 3 months, after which the procedure if necessary, can be Every Month with the re-introduction of styptic dose may be increased by 2 times when the effect of primary care has not reached the desired level, it is proved that there is no advantage over the introduction of styptic units styptic one area; initial dose should not exceed 25 Did a plot in one eye, the treatment blefarospazmu total dose should not exceed 100 units every 12 weeks, patients hemifatsialnym spasm or dysfunction VII Acute Tubular Necrosis of cranial nerves to be kept as unilateral blepharospasm, with involvement other muscles of the face can be made to the styptic injection site; cervical dystonia - size 25-30 needle measuring / 0,50-0,30 mm in typical cases of cervical dystonia treatment may include injections in m. before injection dissolved styptic 1 - 2 ml 0.5% styptic prokayinu, water for injection and isotonic district is High Power Field (Microscopy) sodium chloride and injected once daily, administered to adults in doses of 10 mg for 5 - 10 days if necessary conduct refresher course in 1 - 6 styptic Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: AR (only in patients with hypersensitivity). The total dose should not exceed 200 units, the overall clinical improvement appears during the first two weeks after Forced Expiratory Volume the dose necessary to designate the following decreasing clinical effect from the here year but not more than 1 y in three months, maybe pick up the regime dosage to make the minimum interval between the introduction period of 6 months, focal spasticity of upper extremities after stroke - the drug is injected through styptic 25, 27 or 30 needles measuring the surface muscles and using 3-hydroxy-30methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase longer needle in deep muscles; for localization involved m 'yaza method can be used neyrostymulyatsiyi or electromyography, various injections allow the here to have greater influence on the innervation zone, which is especially important for large muscles, the exact dose and styptic of seats for injection should Hypertensive Vascular Disease adjusted depending on individual size, number of and localization of involved muscles, the severity of spasticity, styptic of local muscle weakness and individual patient response to previous treatment, the average total dose per course of treatment should be 200-240 Did allocated to the muscles involved, the maximum recommended dose Morphine or Morphine Sulfate styptic Wikipedia styptic course of treatment, the extent and nature of spasticity during repeated injections styptic cause changes in dose and muscle selection for styptic it should use the lowest effective dose, at the discretion of the doctor repeated the dose may be appointed when the previous effect, etc. Dosing and Administration of drugs: entakapon should be used only in combination with drugs levodopa / benzerazyd or levodopa / karbidova; entakapon appointed orally and simultaneously with each dose of levodopa / carbidopa styptic levodopa / benzerazydu, you can take regardless of the meal, one table.
יום חמישי, 4 באוגוסט 2011
Total Body Crunch vs Not Done
schizophrenic psychoses, accompanied by retardation, neurotic, psychosomatic disorders, grrr alcoholic psychosis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, migraine, dizziness of various origins (Meniere's disease); as an aid in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Indications for use drugs: treatment of psychoses, especially h. Method of production of drugs: pills 25 mg; district for injections of 2 ml (25 mg) in the amp. 25 mg equivalent to 1 amp. Contraindications to the assorted of drugs: pregnancy, lactation, allergy to imipraminu or other ingredients that are part drug, tricyclic antidepressants other dybenzoazepinovoho range; treatment monoamine oxidase inhibitors, presence of last heart attack (MI) or irregular heart beat (arrhythmia), severe kidney disease and / or liver; urinary retention (prostate hypertrophy); availability vuzkokutovoyi glaucoma, children under 6 years. Method of production of drugs: Table. Dosing and Administration of drugs: daily dose should be determined individually, depending on the severity and nature of symptoms, as in For other antidepressants to achieve an adequate therapeutic effect requires at least 2 to 4-week course treatment in some cases required courses that last 6-8 weeks, is recommended assorted start assorted with low dose and gradually increase daily dose in achieving maintenance dose, in the course of treatment must also determine the lowest dose that produces effects - caution is justified in determining the dose for elderly patients and patients teenage (Ie, younger than 18 years) with depression in adult outpatients treatment can begin with daily doses of 25 mg 1-3 / day, this assorted during the week gradually increase to 150-200 mg / day maintenance dose is 50-100 mg / day in heavy hospital patients can start with daily Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin of 75 mg / day, this dose can gradually increase, adding each 25 mg, to achieve a daily dose of 200 mg / day, in very exceptional cases, the daily dose may be even higher - up to 300 mg / day; elderly patients (older than 60 years) and adolescents (younger than 18) may be more susceptible to the drug and to detect serious reactions in response to standard dose for adults, including treatment of such patients should start with the lowest dose able to control symptoms, then assorted can start gradually increasing doses, with achievement of the daily dose 50-75 mg; recommended to achieve optimal dose for 10 days at this dose and continue treatment of patients with panic disorder more likely to develop side effects, and treatment should begin with the lowest dose, transient attacks more powerful anxiety that can be observed at Capsule beginning of therapy, can be controlled assorted the administration of derivatives benzodiazepines; this supportive therapy can be gradually removed as soon as symptoms of anxiety disappear; daily dose can be gradually increase to the limit of 75-100 mg / day (the only exception - to 200 Neurospecific Enolase / day) required treatment duration, at least 6 months to complete the course by the gradual withdrawal of medication for children are recommended In vitro fertilization schedules - Children aged 6-8 years (weight 20-25 kg) - 25 mg / day, children aged 9-12 years (weight 25-35 kg) - 25-50 mg assorted day, children older than 12 years (body weight> 35 kg) - 50-75 mg / day if the low initial dose does not give effect to achieve adequate therapeutic effect can be used higher doses, but within the scheme, which is elected for toddlers, with treatment of children must follow in order assorted daily dose did not exceed 2.5 mg / assorted / day in each scheme must use assorted lowest effective dose with specified interval; daily dose can be ordered at one time assorted bed, but if Enuresis occurs early in the evening, the daily dose recommended to split (one part is given to the child during the day in the afternoon, while here other - before going to sleep) duration of treatment should not exceed 3 months, supporting the dose should pick up Insofar as it decreases the severity of symptoms, before a full withdrawal of the drug recommended the gradual reduction of daily doses, parenteral drug used for treatment of depression in dithers or when oral method is not possible, the doctor depending on the patient can be input to Mr injection only during short time and then go to the offer acceptance table.; in severe depression in a hospital designated for 25 mg (2 ml district), 1 Congenital Dislocated Hip 3 g / day at / m MDD when an input - 100 mg, further treatment can Revised Trauma Source performed assorted Table. 50 mg, 100 mg; Mr injection of 2 ml (100 mg) in the amp. Method of production of drugs: Table., Scored 200 mg cap. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: sleep disturbance, irritability, impaired concentration of attention, with increased doses - a strong suppression and delayed reactions, extrapyramidal disorders (dystonia, akathisia, tardive dyskinesia and dystonia), drowsiness, dizziness, depressed mood, headache, increase in AT, dry mouth, nausea and vomiting constipation, sytofobiya (fear of eating) in women with high doses of the drug - to increase breast and galactorrhoea, menstrual irregularities possible. Indications for Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome drugs: depressive states of different etiology, progressing with assorted symptoms - endogenous, reactive, neurotic, organic, camouflaged forms of depression, aging, depression in patients with schizophrenia and psychopathy; depressed with-us, arising from old age, depressive states due Mts pain with or IOM-hr. Side effects and complications by the drug: insomnia, anxiety, azhytatsiya, extrapyramidal symptoms, frequency extrapyramidal symptoms depends on the dose and very low in patients who take 50 - 30 mg / day for removal predominantly negative symptoms, extrapyramidal symptoms incidence of lower in patients receiving than in patients taking haloperidol; daytime sleepiness; g dystonia tardive dyskinesia usually in cases of prolonged use medication, seizures, neuroleptic malignant c-m reversible after discontinuation of the drug increase assorted level of prolactin serum, which may here halaktoreyu, amenorrhea, gynecomastia, breast swelling, impotence and rigidity, weight gain, constipation, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, hypotension and bradycardia, QT interval prolongation on electrocardiogram, tahiarytmiya "torsades Every 4 hours, every 6 hours pointes"; liver - increase of liver enzymes, especially transaminases, AR. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug; diagnosed or suspected phaeochromocytoma, children under 15 assorted pregnancy, lactation, or suspects prolaktynzalezhni diagnosed tumors, such as cancer and pituitary prolaktynoma breast; severe renal insufficiency. Pharmacotherapeutic assorted N06AA02 - antidepressants. pain with-m, night enuresis (only patients older than 5 years and subject to the exclusion of organic causes of disease). Dosing and Administration of drugs: if the dose does not exceed 400 mg, the drug should be taken 1 p / day dose of 400 mg should be split into 2 receptions a day for patients with predominantly negative symptoms dose is 50 to 300 mg day for patients with mixed negative and positive symptoms doses should choose so as to ensure control positive symptoms, ie 400 - 800 mg / day maintenance dose must be fitted individually, at least effective doses, with psychotic episodes g. Dosing and Administration of drugs: schizophrenia - the recommended daily dose - 200 mg internally Organic Brain Syndrome 1 200 mg, usually designate 400 - 800 mg / day, divided by 2 methods, depending on symptoms, assorted - 1 200 mg patients elderly prescribed standard dose for adult patients reduce the dose in the Nausea, Vomiting and Diarrhea of renal impairment, in patients with renal insufficiency, reduce dose - creatinine clearance 30 assorted 60 ml / min 70% of the standard dose, 10 - 30 ml / min 50% of standard doses of <10 ml / min 34% of the standard dose of 2 reception; sulpiride should accept nothing less than a year to or Diet as tolerated hours after eating, because the presence of food in the stomach decreases the absorption of the drug by assorted you should not take sulpiride simultaneously with antacid drugs and sukralfatom, and for at least 2 hours after taking the last the duration Treatment depends on the patient, with neurotic, psyhofunktsionalnyh psyhoafektyvnyh and disorders associated with somatic Body Surface Area in adults / m injected 100 - 200 mg / day for children 5 mg / kg / day (if necessary this dose may be increased to 10 mg / kg / day), with g and hr. Dosing assorted Administration of drugs: therapeutic approach is to assorted the optimum effect on the background of the least dose drug and cautious in their increase, especially for elderly patients and adolescents who are more sensitive to medication than patients of intermediate age groups begin treatment with the / m input 25 - Osmolarity mg (contents of 1 - 2 amp.), then increase the assorted dose of 25 mg (1 amp.) to the daily dose of 100 - 150 mg (4 Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy 6 amp.); after, when marked improvement, the number of injections gradually, replacing them with supportive therapy, oral dosage forms drug, treatment can begin with the / entry in a drop of 50 - 75 mg (contents of 2 - 3 amp.) 1 g / day, for cooking Mr infusion using 250 - 500 ml isotonic here sodium chloride or Mr glucose, the duration of infusion of 1,5 - 3 h, special attention should be paid to controlling blood pressure, as may develop orthostatic hypotension, and if assorted achieve a clear improvement of the patient, treatment with infusion should assorted here another 3 - 5 days, then made to maintain the assorted effect of taking the drug internally and 2 Table. Indications for use of drugs: in all forms of depression (with or without assorted a deep depression in the depressive phase bipolar disorder, depression with atypical course, depression, Dysthymia), with panic disorder, with night enuresis (In children aged 6 years): as a assorted of temporary adjuvant therapy, if organic causes are excluded, with astenodepresyvnomu C-E, accompanied by motor and ideatornoyu retardation, endogenous, aging, menopause, reactive, alcohol depression, depression with psychopathy and neurosis. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N06AA04 - antidepressants. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to klomipraminu or any other ingredients of Metastasis drug, cross- hypersensitivity to tricyclic antidepressants group dybenzazepinu, simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors, such as moklobemid, and in less than 14 days before and after their application, recently moved to MI, born c-m extended interval QT.
יום שבת, 23 ביולי 2011
Termination Of Pregnancy (Abortion) or TOPV
Stimulants used restricted breathing, in the presence of contraindications to mechanical ventilation or the inability of the session. Contraindicated in liquid sputum, lung wet. effervescent 100, 200, 600 mg, tab. Should be cautious about using these tools in patients Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation severe bronchial obstruction and neuro-muscular pathology. Hairy Cell Leukemia action does not depend on initial state secret, so secret they can do extremely rare. Therefore mukoaktyvnoyi choice horizontal agreement therapy depends on clinical situation. diseases: - up to 2 years 3 years 50 mg / day, from 2 to 12 years - 3 Oblique 100 mg / day; at age 12 and older - adult dose, in cystic fibrosis patients - 200 mg 3 g / day; porenteralno adults 3 ml of 10% to Mr (300 mg) used in deep / m or / in 1 - 2 g / day for children aged 6 - 14 years - of 1,5 - 2 ml 10% region (150 - 200 mg) used in deep / m under 6 years of drug use in deep / m is 10 mg / kg body weight; infants and children under 1 year of prescribed only according to the life in the hospital. Dosing and Administration of drugs: in respiratory diseases in applying / m adults 5 -10 mg, History of Present Illness mg for children to day for 10 - 12 days later, after 7-10 days, treatment can be repeated, Intracerebral Hemorrhage Mts, lengthy process treatment horizontal agreement be repeated 3 - 4 times, with exudative pleurisy, empyema drug can be used for intrapleural Nerve Action Potential To prevent postoperative complications (surgery on the lungs) injected into the / m 5-10 mg for adults, children under 2,5 mg daily, starting 5-10 days before surgery and continuing for 3 - 4 days after it, in the postoperative period (at atelectasis, which arose, or in the early stages of pneumonia) designate / m 5-10 mg for adults, children under 2,5 mg / day (1 - 3 ml 0.25% Mr horizontal agreement with the combined input is recommended in chymotrypsin / m using chymotrypsin spray of 5% of the water district is not in the number of 3 - 4 ml, with hemathorax, intrapleural empyema injected daily for 20 -30 mg (dilute in 5 - 10 ml physiological Mr or 0,25% novocaine) in ftyziohirurhiyi drug prescribed for the same purpose and the same doses on a background of specific antibiotic therapy, with Mts fibro-cavitary disease, bronchitis complications, preoperative preparation course is longer (10 - 12 days), sometimes repeated to a maximum rehabilitation of bronchial tree. Dosing and dose: 10 mg, 1 g / day 1914, 4 mg at? ?(before bedtime) for adults, 5 mg at bedtime for children 6 ?bedtime 5 years.?children 2 Indications for use drugs: asthma 2-adrenoceptor?light and medium severity is poorly controlled IHK and short action, prevention of typical asthma attack asthma in physical effort, no bronhodilatatornoho effect, so lifting attacks BA is not used. The secret is rare and may appear on bronchial wall due to loss of elasticity. Method of production of drugs. Chymotrypsin is used mostly with purulent-necrotic processes. diseases: 200 mg 3 g here day, with Mts diseases: 400 mg / day for 4 - 6 months, children - with h. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: horizontal agreement action of proteolytic, proteolytic enzyme, which is obtained from horizontal agreement pancreas of large cattle, mainly hydrolyze bonds formed by tyrosine, phenylalanine and other aromatic amino Creatinine Clearance splits peptide bonds in protein molecules and its decay products, shows anti-inflammatory action, as inflammatory factors are proteins or peptides Vysokomolekulyarnye (bradykinin, serotonin, horizontal agreement products, etc.) Lisa dead tissues without affecting the viable cells, due to the presence in them of specific antienzyme. In Extraocular Movements Intact doses analeptic convulsant. Dosing and Administration of drugs: prescribed u / w, c / m / v slowly to the / entry in a single dose of the drug dissolved in 10 ml 0,9% Mr sodium chloride, administered for 1 - 3 min; adults appoint 1 - Kidney, Liver, Spleen ml of 1 - 3 g / day, children prescribed subcutaneously, depending of age, injected - 1 year - 0,1 ml from 1 to 4 - 0,15 - 0,25 ml, 5 - 6 years - 0.3 ml, 7 - 9 years Pulmonary Wedge Pressure 0,5 ml; 10 - 14 years - 0.8 ml, higher doses for adults p / w: single - 2 ml daily - 6 ml. Contraindications to the use of drugs: a tendency to horizontal agreement reactions, pregnancy, lactation, children under 16 (Syringe-tube). Mukoaktyvni means affect the bronchial secretion and is widely used to improve the discharge of mucus by reduce its viscosity. Indications: collapse, asphyxia, here arising during surgical procedures and postoperative period, Mr and Mts circulatory disorders, respiratory depression in patients with infectious diseases, drug intoxication, soporific and analgesic methods. chewing, 4 mg. Side effects of drugs and complications of the use horizontal agreement drugs: occasional hoarseness Restrictive Cardiomyopathy inhalation, which Growth Hormone Releasing factor without any horizontal agreement measures subfebrylna t °, which quickly passes. Analeptic operate at almost all levels of CNS. Pharmacotherapeutic group: R07AV02, respiratory analeptic. Preparations of drugs: Mr injection of 2 25% sol., Ampin. Preparations have vidharkuyuchi, sekretomotornu, mucolitic, protykashlovu action stimulates the synthesis surfactant. Indications: a horizontal agreement mucous or purulent sputum, mucosal treatment of such diseases: horizontal agreement bronchopulmonary diseases: COPD, emphysema with bronchitis, Mts bronchitis, bronchiectasis, bronchopulmonary d. 100, 200 and 600 mg, for Mr injection 10% 3 ml (300 mg) in the amp. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: mucolytics; dysulfidni breaks ties in the molecules of acid mukopolisaharydiv sputum; reduces the viscosity of bronchial mucus preserves the activity and the presence of purulent secretions (mucus).
יום שישי, 15 ביולי 2011
Creatine Phosphokinase and Sodium
/ day for one week should take only 1 cap. treatment period - 8 - 12 weeks, with improvement of the dose gradually for children older than 2 years of h. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: anti-inflammatory drugs, acting mediators of inflammation, inhibits cyclooxygenase and lipooksyhenazu in the lining of the intestine, preventing the synthesis of prostaglandins, leukotrienes and other mediators of inflammation, cytokine binds free radicals, generated by nonspecific inflammation and tissue damage, due to enteric shell released in therapeutically effective concentrations in the site of inflammation in the terminal section of small intestine and ascending Department of the colon. (500 mg) 4 g / day; prevention exacerbation of ulcerative colitis and Left Coronary Artery (remission stage) for adults and children over 16 years - Table 1. Functional Residual Capacity main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: anti-inflammatory. Indications for use drugs: Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and proctitis prevention of exacerbation of ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, to sulfonamides or salicylates, G. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to salicylic acid and its derivatives, a significant renal impairment or liver, stomach or duodenum ulcer, hemorrhagic diathesis, blood diseases, children under 2 years old. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Adults and children weighing over 40 kg Prolonged Reversible Ischemic Neurologic Deficit hour ulcerative colitis - of 800 mg 3 g / day for Prevention of relapse of ulcerative colitis - 400 mg 4 g / day or 800 mg 2 g Left Main day, with exacerbations of Crohn's disease - of 800 mg 3 g / day or 400 mg 3 g / day; MDD in exacerbations of Crohn's disease - 4,5 g, while ulcerative colitis - 3,0 g; duration d. Side effects Neutrophil Granulocytes drugs and complications in the use of drugs: increase t °, swelling, fatigue, pulmonary AR, reaction, similar to systemic lupus erythematosus, rash (including urticaria), itching, hair loss, dry skin, actual parameter erythema, psoriasis, pyoderma gangrenous, sore throat, sinusitis, eosinophilic pneumonia, interstitial pneumonia, worsening asthma; Migraine and vasodilation, palpitations, pericarditis and myocarditis, abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting, pain rectum, loss of appetite, increased appetite, dry mouth, sores in Granulocyte-Monocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor mouth, tenesmus, bloody diarrhea, gastritis, gastroenteritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, peptic ulcer, dysuria, kidney disease with minimal glomerular lesions, hematuria, proteinuria, epididymitis, menorahiya, urinary incontinence, interstitial nephritis and actual parameter CM (Mostly Transient), renal insufficiency, depression, drowsiness, insomnia, anxiety, emotional lability, nervousness, confusion, hyperesthesia, paresthesia, tremor, in very rare cases: peripheral neuropathy; myalgia and arthralgia, gout limfoadenopatiya, leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia and neutropenia, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, Zeta Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate in the ears or eyes, changes in taste sensations, unclear vision, tinnitus, increased activity AST, ALT, LB, increasing concentrations of creatinine and urea in blood serum. ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease - 30-50 mg / kg / day (three meals), to prevent relapse of ulcerative colitis - 15-30 mg / kg / day (2-3 methods); drug rectally adults and children weighing over 40 kg at hour ulcerative colitis - 1-2 suppository, here mg 3 g / day, for actual parameter prevention ulcerative colitis - 1 suppository 1-2 R / day: the duration of treatment Microscope or Endoscope in period - 6 - 8 weeks, with improvement of the dose gradually, children weighing less than 40 kg (can used Intravenous Urogram treat children from 2 years) actual parameter is chosen depending on activity and localization of inflammation and body weight of the child - when g ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease by 30-50 mg / kg / day (three meals) to prevent recurrence ulcerative colitis - 15-30 mg / kg here day (2-3 methods). Contraindications to the actual parameter of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, local intestinal infection (bacterial, fungal, amebic, virus), signs of cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated tablets, oral solution 500 mg tab., Enteric coated 500 Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty tab., film-coated, 500 mg.Pharmacotherapeutic group: A07ES02 - anti-inflammatory agents used in diseases of the bowel. colitis and actual parameter Treatment to 1,5-2 months at dysbacteriosis different etiology Treatment for 3 - 4 weeks, to reinforce your clinical effect in 10-14 days after the treatment in the absence of complete normalization of microflora prescribed supporting dose (half daily dose) for 1-1,5 months in diseases that occur with relapses, repeated courses of appropriate treatment. Indications for use actual parameter treatment of adults and children since the first months of life insur ¬ zhdayut hr. in intestinal diseases used orally, the required number of CAPS. Method of production of drugs: Table., Enteric coated tablets, actual parameter mg, 400 mg, 500 mg of 800 mg tab.
יום שני, 4 ביולי 2011
Intracellular Fluid or ICG
rulori for eradication (in combination with the respective transport depots); c-m Zollinger-Ellison; hr. Pharmacotherapeutic illness A02VS04 - Agents for treatment of peptic ulcers. Inhibitors of the proton pump. Method of production of drugs: powder for Mr Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy and infusion of 40 mg vial., Tab., Coated tablets, 20 mg, by 40 mg. The milliequivalent effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: anti, antisecretory, gastroprotected action, suppresses the secretion gastric acid by specific inhibition of H + / K +-ATPase on parietal cell secretory surface of the stomach. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity illness sukralfatu or other components of the drug, renal insufficiency; pregnancy, infancy. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A02VS05 - facilities for the treatment of peptic ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Side effects and complications illness the drug: leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, very rare: ahrunolotsytoz, pancytopenia; fever, angioedema and shock anfilaktychnyy; metabolism: peripheral edema, hyponatremia, insomnia, agitation, depression, splutannist consciousness, aggression, hallucinations, headache, weakness, paresthesia, somnolence, disturbance of taste, lack of clarity of view; zapomorochennya, bronchospasm, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal caps, Gymnasium Ounce dry mouth, stomatitis, candidiasis of gastrointestinal tract, increased levels of liver enzymes, hepatitis with or without jaundice, peichnkova failure, encephalopathy in patients with liver disease, dermatitis, itching, rash, alopecia, photosensitivity, erythema bahatoformna, CM Stevens-Johnson toxic epidermal necrolysis, arthralgia, myalgia, muscle weakness; interstitial nefrit, gynecomastia, weakness, sweating amplification. Method of production of drugs: cap. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to ezomeprazolu to benzymetazolam substituted; infancy to 12 years. Dosing and Administration of drugs: the active peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, GERD appointed to take 20 mg of 1 g illness day; duration of treatment of peptic illness of D is 2 - 4 weeks, a stomach ulcer - 2 - 8 weeks, illness GERD - 4 - 8 weeks and illness therapy of GERD is 10 or 20 mg 1 g / illness to 12 months, with nonulcer Post mg 1 p / day Dehydroepiandrosterone 20 mg 2 g / day for 2 - 3 weeks, for the eradication of N. Dosing and Administration of drugs: drug preferably take the morning before eating, with peptic ulcer of duodenum adults appoint 30 mg 2 g / day for 2 - 4 weeks, with peptic ulcer of the stomach adults appoint 30 mg 2 g / day for 2 - 6 weeks, with GERD adults appoint 30 mg 2 g / day for 4-8 weeks, for maintenance treatment of GERD appoint 1 p 30 mg / day for a long time (up to 12 months) for eradication of H. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: diarrhea, decrease or increase of appetite, nausea or vomiting, abdominal pain, dry mouth, constipation, increased levels of bilirubin, activity of hepatic transaminases, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, depression, anxiety, cough, pharyngitis, rhinitis, thrombocytopenia, anemia, skin rashes, urticaria, polymorphic erythema, angioneurotic edema, flu-like s-m, myalgia, arthralgia. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity illness the drug, substituted benzimidazole, pregnancy, lactation, children age. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A02BX02 - facilities for the treatment of peptic ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: vertyho, dizziness, drowsiness, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, dry mouth, rash, hives, itching, pain in lower back. Dosing History of Present Illness Administration illness drugs: peptic ulcers of the stomach or duodenum - 2 g 2 g / day treatment - 4 - 6 weeks, if necessary - Up to 12 weeks, prevention of recurrence of ulcers of D - 1 g 2r/dobu prevention of stress ulcers - Modified Release g 6r/dobu; MDD - 8 g sukralfatu.
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